Individual Tutoring
At “MINERVA” Language Centre we can offer you individual tutorials in English (the so called “private lessons”) or in Bulgarian for Foreigners.

- All ages – from the young to the elderly
- Individual approach and attention
- Possibility for a more flexible schedule
- Development of all language skills
- Learning according to needs
- Systematic vocabulary acquisition
- Consistent mastering of grammar
- Progress tests
- Working on a computer; interactive activities
- Level completion like in group studying
- A certificate upon completion of a course of learning

Enrolling on an individual course of studying is done as per the capacity of the School and only upon the consent of the Director, who takes into account his or her own experience and the client’s needs. If necessary, diagnostic tests are taken to determine the level and/or further clarifying discussions are held with the client. Learning is usually planned and offered in packages of 10 lessons. After the completion of each such 10-lesson module, the client renews it. At the beginning, the two parties set a timetable for the lessons and try to follow it as arranged. Reschedulling is possible but this should happen rarely. In case the client skips attendance for more than two weeks, MINERVA can accept other engagements at those time slots. If after that the client wishes to continue, (s)he must negotiate a new timetable. Pre-paid lessons may be taken up to three months after payment.
Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.